Ravim RBC worked closely with the Shepparton Art Gallery, the Council’s economic development team and the local arts community to develop and rollout Shepparton’s Moooving Art project. This project was designed to:
- increase the profile of Greater Shepparton’s dairy industry;
- encourage participation of local artists in creating public art; and
- attract visitors to Greater Shepparton.
Following a public tender process, Ravim RBC was engaged to:
- commission local/regional artists to create contemporary designs, using life-sized fibreglass cows as a canvas;
- attract local commercial sponsorship and in-kind contributions, which saw some 50 cows designed and decorated;
- launch Moooving Art on Australia Day; and
- develop promotions using the Moooving Art talent to attract visitors to Greater Shepparton.
Shepparton Moooving Art Economic Development Initiative
The ultimate success of any economic initiative will be measured by the number of visitors it attracts and spend it generates. Attracting visitations from the Greater Shepparton catchment is important for the survival of local businesses. The Moooving Art project created a point of difference for Shepparton, which attracted many visitors from the region and further afield.
Chris Clark, Former Project Manager Economic Development Unit, City of Greater Shepparton