Ravim RBC consultants recently reviewed the Shire of Chittering’s (WA) management of community facilities and services. The Service Review included:
- facility audits and analysis of levels of utilisation;
- identification of opportunities for service/program delivery and future facility development;
- assessment of the corporate framework that tracks/enables the management of community facilities;
- review of leases, licences and hire agreements for the Council’s facilities;
- analysis of the costings/financials, facility utilisation and calculate/compare transaction costs; and
- advice to executive and elected members on contemporary trends in facility management.
The purpose of the review of management of community facilities was to:
- define the extent of council support and commitment to community facilities;
- clarify the responsibility of facility managers/service providers optimising the utilisation of community facilities; and
- define the community benefit/public value.
“The work undertaken by John (Ravim RBC) on the management of the Shire’s community facilities will enable Council to optimise the way it goes about providing facilities and services and programs to the community.”
Rhona Hawkins, Former Executive Manager Corporate Services, Shire of Chittering
Public Value
Councils have a strong desire to increase the participation/utilisation of its community and recreation facilities. This makes sense as Councils have made, and continue to make, significant investment in these facilities.
For the community to benefit from these investments, the facilities need to be leveraged with delivery of various programs, activities and events.
Community participation in various programs, activities and events creates the public value. There is little or no public value in a facility that has low utilisation.

Ravim RBC undertook extensive consultation with Shire of Chittering elected members, management, staff and user groups/lessees. The consultation process was used to collect data on the nature and extent of activity in the Shire’s facilities.

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